Wonders of the ancient Egyptian civilization
Speaking about the effects Alobarp old and out of the secrets of some of the three places in addition to tourist and archaeological sites in Egypt
Medical tourism
Egypt has 16 locations domestically and coastline where there is natural cures for many diseases, especially rheumatic diseases and vitiligo, psoriasis and most famous of these areas of Helwan, famous as the city of healing the sacred and the Valley Mariot and Wadi El-Natron and Oasis semen Western Sahara and the Oasis of Amun, Ain Sokhna and bathrooms Cleopatra in the Red Sea and others. And estimated the number of eyes distributed in most parts of Egypt with 1356 eyes, including five in the eyes of Helwan and 3 in the eye of the stall and 36 in Fayoum, and 4 in Wadi Rayyan and 33 in the Sinai Peninsula and 315 in the oasis of marine and 106 in Siwa, in addition to the huge number estimated at Box 564 in the oases of Dakhla and 188 in emerging and 75 in Farafra and the rest spread in the Gulf of Suez and the dropper and Wadi El-Natron and neighbor.
And Egypt is famous for Bmdnha and mineral water and sulfur-free and dry atmosphere of moisture and soil content of sand and silt in favor for the treatment of many diseases, and the multiplicity of its beaches and water seas, with its unique natural properties.
The spread in Egypt, sulfur springs and mineral features installed chemical unique, which is above the rate of all of sulfur springs and mineral in the world as well as on the availability of silt in the pools of these sulfur springs with its therapeutic properties cures many diseases, bone diseases and digestive, respiratory and skin diseases, etc., as also widely hospitalization for patients with rheumatic arthritis by burial in the sand, as research has shown that the waters of the Red Sea laden with chemical and the presence of coral reefs, which helps treatment of psoriasis and multiple tourist areas which have the advantage of medical tourism in Egypt, which are areas of known historical roots, such as: Helwan , set the stall, Al Ain Sukhna, Hurghada, Fayoum, the oasis, Aswan, Sinai, and finally the city of Safaga parked on the shore of the Red Sea, which possesses all the elements of therapeutic tourism, which Twmha all tourist groups come hearing that the black sand have the ability to get rid of some skin diseases
The most important teacher of therapeutic tourismin cinai
Medical tourism
Egypt has 16 locations domestically and coastline where there is natural cures for many diseases, especially rheumatic diseases and vitiligo, psoriasis and most famous of these areas of Helwan, famous as the city of healing the sacred and the Valley Mariot and Wadi El-Natron and Oasis semen Western Sahara and the Oasis of Amun, Ain Sokhna and bathrooms Cleopatra in the Red Sea and others. And estimated the number of eyes distributed in most parts of Egypt with 1356 eyes, including five in the eyes of Helwan and 3 in the eye of the stall and 36 in Fayoum, and 4 in Wadi Rayyan and 33 in the Sinai Peninsula and 315 in the oasis of marine and 106 in Siwa, in addition to the huge number estimated at Box 564 in the oases of Dakhla and 188 in emerging and 75 in Farafra and the rest spread in the Gulf of Suez and the dropper and Wadi El-Natron and neighbor.
And Egypt is famous for Bmdnha and mineral water and sulfur-free and dry atmosphere of moisture and soil content of sand and silt in favor for the treatment of many diseases, and the multiplicity of its beaches and water seas, with its unique natural properties.
The spread in Egypt, sulfur springs and mineral features installed chemical unique, which is above the rate of all of sulfur springs and mineral in the world as well as on the availability of silt in the pools of these sulfur springs with its therapeutic properties cures many diseases, bone diseases and digestive, respiratory and skin diseases, etc., as also widely hospitalization for patients with rheumatic arthritis by burial in the sand, as research has shown that the waters of the Red Sea laden with chemical and the presence of coral reefs, which helps treatment of psoriasis and multiple tourist areas which have the advantage of medical tourism in Egypt, which are areas of known historical roots, such as: Helwan , set the stall, Al Ain Sukhna, Hurghada, Fayoum, the oasis, Aswan, Sinai, and finally the city of Safaga parked on the shore of the Red Sea, which possesses all the elements of therapeutic tourism, which Twmha all tourist groups come hearing that the black sand have the ability to get rid of some skin diseases .
The original name of Hatshepsut is: Amun Hatshepsut gained the means: Amon favorite concubine or mistress Ladies Dora Amon princesses. The daughter of King Thutmose I and wife of Tuthmosis II and Tuthmosis III, father of a girl fathered where Tuthmosis II, Tuthmosis III of a royal concubines.
Statue of limestone tempered to Hatshepsut at the Metropolitan Museum. The statue was produced without the chin traditional aliases, but it keeps the rest of the symbols of pharaonic power; living property - obviously removed - Alkhat robe and head.
Queen Hatshepsut Maat Ka Ra (--1,482 BC. M.) A month in Queens history, and the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and ruled of 1503 BC. M. Until 1482 BC. M. Outdated and discriminate power of the army and the construction and trips they had undertaken. The eldest daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt, King Thutmose I and her mother, Queen Ahmose Her father was the king had fathered an illegitimate son is Tuthmosis II had accepted to marry him the habit of royal families to participate together in power after his death, and that a solution to the problem of the existence and legitimate heir to him.
The Queen left the puzzles many secrets and may be more of those puzzles raise the character "die" that the engineer who built a temple famous in the Deir el-Bahari, which gave him 80 for the title and was responsible for the care of her only daughter has reached from his passion for Mlicth to dig a tunnel between the Necropolis and his tomb. If historians were hints to indicate the presence of love have been collected Monday they will die, Hatshepsut, the queen and servant also had participated in "the life of legendary" and ended each end of the mysterious remains a mystery until now
Rosetta Stone
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Rosetta Stone |
Rosetta Stone est une pierre gravée de textes hiéroglyphiques et démotique et en grec, a été la clé pour résoudre le mystère de l'écriture Heroglevip, appelé la pierre de Rosette, car il a découvert la ville de branche de Rosette, située à l'embouchure du Nil dans la Méditerranée.
Découvert par un officier français du 19 Juillet, 1799 au cours de la campagne française a été sculptée en 196 av. M. Cet arrêté royal a été publié en pierre de la ville de Memphis en 196 avant JC. M. A été délivré par les prêtres dans la mémoire de Ptolémée V, avec trois langues et en hiéroglyphes Aldemutkip (copte et sont destinés à la langue moderne de l'Egypte ancienne), et le grec, et au moment de la découverte du mystère de centaines Aevsr langue d'années, parce que la langue était alors le trois langues de la mort, jusqu'à ce que le scientifique français Jean-François Champollion langage interprété, après l'avoir correspondant à des textes grecs et hiéroglyphique encore une fois, ce qui indique que ces langues ont été répandue pendant le règne des Ptolémées d'Egypte depuis plus de 150 ans, et la langue hiéroglyphique de circulation saint religieux dans les temples, et égyptiens langue démotique, la langue de l'écriture populaire (familier égyptienne), et le grec ancien La langue des dirigeants des Grecs, et avait été traduite en grec pour comprendre. Le contenu de l'écriture à la gloire de Pharaon d'Egypte, et les réalisations des bons prêtres et le peuple de l'Egypte, a été écrit par des prêtres à la lecture publique et privée de la civilisation égyptienne supérieurs et la classe dirigeante. Le scientifique britannique Thomas Young a découvert que l'écriture hiéroglyphique est composé de la voix sémantique, et que la propriété des noms écrits à l'intérieur des ovales (cartouches), et cette découverte a mené à la pause le scientifique français Jean-François symboles Champollion hiéroglyphiques, et a réussi à Champollion de déchiffrer les hiéroglyphes en 1822, parce que le texte mots grecs pour 54 lignes et facile à lire Mmajolh distinguer les noms des souverains ptolémaïques écrites en égyptien familier, et la découverte ouvre de nouveaux horizons pour identifier la civilisation de l'ancienne Olgazha Egyptiens, et la traduction des sciences après la renaissance de leur langue après Muatha au cours des siècles, et est devenu un alphabet hiéroglyphique a enseigné toute personne qui veut étudier l'égyptologie. Colombie et en pierre provenant des forces françaises, et le plaça dans le British Museum
Découvert par un officier français du 19 Juillet, 1799 au cours de la campagne française a été sculptée en 196 av. M. Cet arrêté royal a été publié en pierre de la ville de Memphis en 196 avant JC. M. A été délivré par les prêtres dans la mémoire de Ptolémée V, avec trois langues et en hiéroglyphes Aldemutkip (copte et sont destinés à la langue moderne de l'Egypte ancienne), et le grec, et au moment de la découverte du mystère de centaines Aevsr langue d'années, parce que la langue était alors le trois langues de la mort, jusqu'à ce que le scientifique français Jean-François Champollion langage interprété, après l'avoir correspondant à des textes grecs et hiéroglyphique encore une fois, ce qui indique que ces langues ont été répandue pendant le règne des Ptolémées d'Egypte depuis plus de 150 ans, et la langue hiéroglyphique de circulation saint religieux dans les temples, et égyptiens langue démotique, la langue de l'écriture populaire (familier égyptienne), et le grec ancien La langue des dirigeants des Grecs, et avait été traduite en grec pour comprendre. Le contenu de l'écriture à la gloire de Pharaon d'Egypte, et les réalisations des bons prêtres et le peuple de l'Egypte, a été écrit par des prêtres à la lecture publique et privée de la civilisation égyptienne supérieurs et la classe dirigeante. Le scientifique britannique Thomas Young a découvert que l'écriture hiéroglyphique est composé de la voix sémantique, et que la propriété des noms écrits à l'intérieur des ovales (cartouches), et cette découverte a mené à la pause le scientifique français Jean-François symboles Champollion hiéroglyphiques, et a réussi à Champollion de déchiffrer les hiéroglyphes en 1822, parce que le texte mots grecs pour 54 lignes et facile à lire Mmajolh distinguer les noms des souverains ptolémaïques écrites en égyptien familier, et la découverte ouvre de nouveaux horizons pour identifier la civilisation de l'ancienne Olgazha Egyptiens, et la traduction des sciences après la renaissance de leur langue après Muatha au cours des siècles, et est devenu un alphabet hiéroglyphique a enseigné toute personne qui veut étudier l'égyptologie. Colombie et en pierre provenant des forces françaises, et le plaça dans le British Museum
Flashes of the secrets of the pyramids
Pyramids of Giza Plateau pyramids located in Giza City (Memphis or Memphis)
Egypt, the West Bank of the Nile. Was built around 2480 - 2550 BC. M.,
Consists of three pyramids: Pyramid of Menkaure Khovooherm Khvraoherm.
We would like to point out that these pyramids are the tombs of ownership of each of them bears the name of
King, who built it was buried after his death, and here is the pyramid construction phase
Of the evolution of architecture in the tombs of ancient Egypt, which began crater
Turned into a small room under the ground and then to a few rooms topped by a terrace
And then evolved to take the form of pyramid by architect Imhotep
Minister of Pharaoh Djoser in the Third Dynasty pyramid exists in the necropolis of Saqqara,
This was followed by two attempts of the king Bent founder of the family to build a fourth form
Pyramid full, but the back of pyramids is Salimi shape and are located in
Dahshur one flat base and the other took a smaller form after half
Size, and was able to engineer engineer Hmeono King Cheops to reach the form
Pyramid and the ideal construction of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza area of 13 acres
This was followed by a pyramid of Khafre and Menkaure.
Many people believe that the greatness of the pyramid lies in a constructive way, and in fact
To talk to this aspect of health, the largest pyramid, for example, a
Mount for industrial weighing six million five hundred thousand tons, consisting of
Stones, each weighing twelve tons, and this Court Paving Stones
And settings to a half a millimeter, and this really deserves all the admiration
Ancient Egyptian civilization, but it is much larger,
Egypt, the West Bank of the Nile. Was built around 2480 - 2550 BC. M.,
Consists of three pyramids: Pyramid of Menkaure Khovooherm Khvraoherm.
We would like to point out that these pyramids are the tombs of ownership of each of them bears the name of
King, who built it was buried after his death, and here is the pyramid construction phase
Of the evolution of architecture in the tombs of ancient Egypt, which began crater
Turned into a small room under the ground and then to a few rooms topped by a terrace
And then evolved to take the form of pyramid by architect Imhotep
Minister of Pharaoh Djoser in the Third Dynasty pyramid exists in the necropolis of Saqqara,
This was followed by two attempts of the king Bent founder of the family to build a fourth form
Pyramid full, but the back of pyramids is Salimi shape and are located in
Dahshur one flat base and the other took a smaller form after half
Size, and was able to engineer engineer Hmeono King Cheops to reach the form
Pyramid and the ideal construction of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza area of 13 acres
This was followed by a pyramid of Khafre and Menkaure.
Many people believe that the greatness of the pyramid lies in a constructive way, and in fact
To talk to this aspect of health, the largest pyramid, for example, a
Mount for industrial weighing six million five hundred thousand tons, consisting of
Stones, each weighing twelve tons, and this Court Paving Stones
And settings to a half a millimeter, and this really deserves all the admiration
Ancient Egyptian civilization, but it is much larger,
Scientists to Test Energy Pyramids
Pyramids made of different materials and their impact was studied.
And proved that there is a movement of turbulence energy emitted from the top or apex of the pyramid expands in diameter higher and a height of 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches above the pyramid is made of cardboard and a height of 4 inches and also found that if you put crystal quartz over the hierarchical model, they increase the power of the pyramid.
And has also been proven that there is a hierarchy within a magnetic field changes the powers that be as it is known that he could no magnetic field that prevents the entry into force of electricity or alter the magnetic field is .. This indicates that there is an electromagnetic field in the pyramid .. The strength of this field Othblg 13.000 Gauss, while the land area is 1 Gauss, and this is the reason for increased seed-breeding and activate enzymes.
These are some of the findings of scientists on the pyramid:
And proved that there is a movement of turbulence energy emitted from the top or apex of the pyramid expands in diameter higher and a height of 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches above the pyramid is made of cardboard and a height of 4 inches and also found that if you put crystal quartz over the hierarchical model, they increase the power of the pyramid.
And has also been proven that there is a hierarchy within a magnetic field changes the powers that be as it is known that he could no magnetic field that prevents the entry into force of electricity or alter the magnetic field is .. This indicates that there is an electromagnetic field in the pyramid .. The strength of this field Othblg 13.000 Gauss, while the land area is 1 Gauss, and this is the reason for increased seed-breeding and activate enzymes.
These are some of the findings of scientists on the pyramid:
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